20 Feb, 2025
10 mins read

What will be the outcome of the dilemma that voters will face in 2024 between an autocratic government of Donald Trump or a democratic one of Joe Biden?

No one doubts right now that President Donald Trump, during his presidency, acted and behaved like a president with autocratic ideas, and the possibilities of returning as president in the presidential elections in 2024 create nervousness in the political class about the turn the nation will take if a man like Donald Trump with an authoritarian […]

6 mins read

Far right vs traditional conservative: Who is controlling the republic party right now?

When you look at the behavior of those who identify themselves as conservative members of the Republican Party at this time (a party with no political identity, national platform, standard of conduct, party philosophy, or lack of vision), leaders who believe in conspiracy theories and who only accept as true the baseless lies that former […]

6 mins read

How much influence has the ideology of white supremacy within the Republican party

When it comes to the influence that the ideas of supremacy have on the ideological platform of the Republican Party, it is not a new phenomenon, and even more so when we talk about the most radicalized groups who control that party right now. There are many leaders of that party who are part of […]

3 mins read

What is the reason for the racial and class struggle between whites and blacks in America?

Does the struggle between the white elites against the black population have a racial or class origin? What is the difference between discrimination supported by the ideology of racism and discrimination supported by the ideology of classism other than skin color? The enclavism system in America was based on a racist ideology or the real […]