16 Jan, 2025
14 mins read

How does white privilege affect the political, social and economic growth of blacks in the united states?

The concept of class privilege is not something new contrary to white privilege which has its origin during slavery and in this work we will analyze its origin, scope, persistence and effect on minority groups who do not enjoy any type of privileges. Privilege is a concept as old as humanity, just look at any […]

10 mins read

What will be the outcome of the dilemma that voters will face in 2024 between an autocratic government of Donald Trump or a democratic one of Joe Biden?

No one doubts right now that President Donald Trump, during his presidency, acted and behaved like a president with autocratic ideas, and the possibilities of returning as president in the presidential elections in 2024 create nervousness in the political class about the turn the nation will take if a man like Donald Trump with an authoritarian […]

8 mins read

How much prejudice and discrimination exist against Hispanics and blacks in the state of Texas?

Everyone assumes that in Texas there is prejudice and discrimination against Hispanics and blacks, but is that really an assumption about Texans that is true or a lie? But to understand the answer to this question, we must put it within a historical and social context to know the genesis of the question and have […]