20 Feb, 2025
6 mins read

How much influence has the ideology of white supremacy within the Republican party

When it comes to the influence that the ideas of supremacy have on the ideological platform of the Republican Party, it is not a new phenomenon, and even more so when we talk about the most radicalized groups who control that party right now. There are many leaders of that party who are part of […]

2 mins read

What is the origin of white supremacy in the United States?

White supremacy against blacks is a simplistic way of looking at a complex problem when you don’t want to recognize the real actors behind this power. The conceptualization of a problem based on a terminology that reflects a collective attitude, replacing it with an imaginary entity, is only an emotional relief product of the impotence […]

5 mins read

How does institutionalized racism affect blacks in the United States?

The slave system in the colonial era, the emergence of racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan with the indirect support of the slave states, and later the  Jim Crow laws are the best examples of these results in the levels of segregation, discrimination , and negative stereotypes that existed at that time where […]

3 mins read

What is the reason for the racial and class struggle between whites and blacks in America?

Does the struggle between the white elites against the black population have a racial or class origin? What is the difference between discrimination supported by the ideology of racism and discrimination supported by the ideology of classism other than skin color? The enclavism system in America was based on a racist ideology or the real […]