How much prejudice and discrimination exist against Hispanics and blacks in the state of Texas?
Everyone assumes that in Texas there is prejudice and discrimination against Hispanics and blacks, but is that really an assumption about Texans that is true or a lie? But to understand the answer to this question, we must put it within a historical and social context to know the genesis of the question and have a rough idea of what the correct answer would be.
Perhaps that is why, in this type of work, we try to analyze the anti-black, anti-Hispanic, or anti-immigrant behavior of this southern state. Knowing a little about the history of the United States, especially when we talk about the civil war between the northern states and The slave states of the South, might give us an idea of what we are talking about.
Texas as a slave state is part of American history, so, true or not, we have the idea that racism, discrimination and racial prejudice are part of Texan culture. As a result of this history of slavery, owners of large plantations that used black slaves no longer doubt that the Hispanic population as well as the descendants of slaves suffer certain levels of ethnic-racial discrimination, which may be the norm in all southern slave states.
The black and Hispanic populations in Texas live under the shadow of a slave-holding past, discrimination against blacks, and the ethnic-racial prejudices associated with the Hispanic population, mostly the Mexican American population, who have been part of this state since its founding. It is something we must recognize. Knowing the history of slavery in Texas, the question is: how racist are the people living in Texas right now, when a large portion of the population is non-white? Knowing a little about my history as a Hispanic living in Texas can answer this question.
How much danger does the population growth and political control of Hispanics in the state of Texas represent for white Texans?
I do not know how Hispanics will be added to the white population of the United States, especially in the State of Texas, because it is obvious that most of them are not white. Many white Americans are afraid of ceasing to be the majority or losing their culture, and Texans are no exception. Is this fear a product of the growth and influence of Hispanics in Texas and the reason for the racism, discrimination and prejudice associated with Hispanics? It is a sentiment that you can only speculate on if racism and racial profiling are not part of your personal experience living in Texas.
“I’m not a racist, I just think that this is very ridiculous, because the largest number of white people in relation to minority groups tells us that whites will always be the majority in this nation.” Do not worry, Mr. White Man.
Hispanics in the US do not have the power to displace whites as the largest group in power. The white population in the United States will never be a minority in this nation, no matter how conservatively racist organizations in this country use this anti-racial argument to recruit young people to join a cause that only exists in their minds.
“The national identity is not in its history, it is in the people who, at a certain moment, represent the wishes of a majority.” Latinos will not become white simply because most of them are not white, on that side, racial purity remains in the white population. White Americans should not fear the supposed power of the minorities in their desire to “destroy the white identity.”
Obviously, if members of the mestizo population begin to marry whites, then the chances of them identifying as such increase, which is why the power of Latinos as a community decreases in the long term. In that case, Latinos are what they should worry about that process of racial assimilation.
But the most important question that arises is whether Americans classify all Latin American immigrants as ‘Latino’ simply because they were born in countries colonized by Spaniards or Portuguese. In my opinion, it is the same as a Native American to be called British in another country, simply because he was born in a nation colonized by the English.
Is there racial harmony between whites, Hispanics and blacks in the State of Texas?
During the short time that I have been living in the city of Houston in Harris County in the great state of Texas, I have noticed that there is a certain racial harmony among the inhabitants of one of the States. The greatest American notion is that there are certain levels of racism among some white people in certain states of the South? We can not deny that! Historical facts can not be erased, much less the racist attitudes of some people.
“As we can not deny that there is an ethnic racial separation between the people of the city of Houston but also throughout the State of Texas, where Hispanics, African-Americans and white Texans live in semi-segregated places,” A lifestyle that is typical of a nation that has not yet found a way to heal the wounds of a slave past. The State of Texas is an example of that past slavery.
How strong is the Latino identity, cultural and political influence in the State of Texas?
But I have also noticed that many descendants of Latinos identify with Texas and the City of Houston much more than the nation from which their parents originate. I must admit that the cultural assimilation process is a reality somewhere in this State, where many Latinos have English as their first language. Even some of them feel embarrassed when they speak Spanish.
Maybe Cubans, Argentines, Uruguayans or other white majority countries will have most of their respective groups identify as white, but not Mexicans, Central Americans, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Bolivians, etc., where indigenous blood is the factor, or certain Caribbean groups that are strongly mixed with blacks.
Confirming once again that the supposed unity of the Hispanic community is an illusion. Hispanics in the US do not have the power to displace whites as a dominant group. Keep in mind that most Hispanics, except for whites and blacks (who are minorities in both cases), are simply mestizos, not even Indians. Mestizo was originally a racial term, but it has become a cheap cultural term to describe a mainstream Mexican, Salvadoran, etc. The most frequent case is that we have a purebred Indian who has a Spanish name and is Catholic and, as a result, is called a “mestizo”, while he is absent from any European blood.
In the same way that I was surprised when someone invited me to visit the City of San Antonio, I thought that I was talking about a city in Mexico, but with astonishment I discovered that it is one of the most important cities in Texas.
The white population in the United States, and let’s talk about Texans, should not be afraid of that supposed displacement of whites as a power group. We all know that the Hispanic community is a group of people with different cultural practices, different racial compositions, and different political and economic interests.
As a Hispanic, have I suffered racism or discrimination living in Houston, Texas, because of being an immigrant or black? My personal experience is No. But that does not mean that other people have a different experience, especially when you are African-American and exposed daily to the negative effects of racism, prejudice, and discrimination in a post-slave state like Texas.