How is black culture holding black people back in the United States?
Many people within the black community in the United States recognize the enormous influence that black culture has among young people who consume this type of negative message through hip hop and rap music lyrics, a product of the negative effects of this type of music. From the street, some consider that the culture of hip hop rap is stopping the economic, social and political growth of African Americans at this time.
What are some of the reasons why black culture is holding back hope for black people? You believe that the platform mentality is still dominating the culture of blacks, which prevents it from adapting to the new economic needs at this time when the economy needs technical workers. For some reason, blacks up to this point have failed to integrate into American culture socially, economically, and within the community. In short, black people, a product of mentality, live segregated by their own agreement or by racial convenience.
We all know that black culture is a subculture within American culture. It is a reality that many black people do not want to accept, and when someone points out the negative effects of black culture, they accuse them of being racist or anti-business.
Black culture, which has its origins in the Southern culture of the first British who arrived in the slave states and was acquired largely from the black descendants of slaves, is a type of culture that does not motivate work, lack of ambition, little study, laziness, discourages progress, and encourages the acceptance of social norms, mostly implemented in poor neighborhoods of large cities where blacks live, considered by some as ghetto culture.
Is black culture really holding black people back?
To know these answers, we must first analyze the enormous influence that culture has on the progress, behavior, lifestyle and standard of living of the people who are part of that culture. In the case of blacks, we must know how much life in the southern plantations influenced their behavior, mentality and economic aspirations that African Americans have right now.
How is plantation economics still part of black culture? Why haven’t blacks been able to overcome the southern plantation mentality? Why did blacks integrate the worst of white subculture into black culture? Why do young blacks prefer to be rappers, not teachers, technicians, doctors or executives?
Are some of the questions that we will try to answer to find the reason why black culture holds back African Americans? Anyone who knows a little about the development of any society concludes that culture has a social, economic, political, technological, philosophical, educational, lifestyle and personal growth.
For historical reasons, as a product of the slave system based on a plantation economy, black culture is not a reflection of the more advanced American culture of the northern states based on an economy of industrial production, but it is the result of an economy based on a plantation economy, that required an enormous amount of unskilled, cheap labor.
Some historians consider black culture to be a subculture within American culture, which is a reflection of the cultural identity of blacks based on their own culture, but at the same time, it stops any attempt at integration into American society as an integral part of it.
Black culture is in part a reflection of the white sub-cure as a result of cultural miscegenation between the descendants of black slaves and white slave owners in the southern slave states, who based their economic activity around plantations. Some people say that African-American culture is influenced by the culture of the Southern United States, which enslaved them on plantations in the South.
How important is culture to people?
The southern blacks grew up with a worker mentality associated with agricultural production, owing to low wages working in the fields, contrary to the northern blacks, who grew up with a worker mentality based on industrial production with high wages in an urban environment, which required certain knowledge of manufacturing and planning. When you grow an industrial culture associated with technology, you have greater possibilities of acquiring On the contrary, when you grow an agricultural culture, you tend to remain economically stagnant.
During the migration of southern blacks between 1910 and 1970 from the states of Texas and Louisiana, many of them brought to the cities of the north a black culture from the south, which never adapted to the labor needs of the north, but neither did it integrate. Just as there was a cultural difference between whites from the north and whites from the south, and there was also a cultural difference between blacks from the south and blacks from the north.
When you analyzed the stereotypes associated with blacks were also applied to southern whites, when they moved from northern white neighborhoods. What were the stereotypes and prejudices associated with southern whites when they moved to any northern neighborhood? These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities, they can’t or won’t hold a job; they flout the law constantly and neglect their children; they drink too much; and their moral standards would shame an alley cat for some reason or other.
They absolutely refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent civilized life; this was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not toking about blacks or other minorities but about poor whites from the south, according to Thomas Sowell. Let’s talk a little about Ghetto culture, which is considered a subculture of black culture, promoted by hip-hop music and rap lyrics, which is a social expression of black neighborhood life in America.
Many rappers consider themselves neighborhood leaders, denouncing economic inequality, social problems, poverty and crime levels, which contributes to perpetuating the feeling of victimization in blacks. The problem is not the rap lyrics, but the type of negative messages in the songs, and the rappers’ lifestyle is associated with many rap songs that incite crime, drug use and violence. Nobody doubts that there is a connection between the ghetto culture, the black culture, and the white culture, especially the culture of the whites in the south.
The blacks who live in the south, as a result of the normal process of social integration and cultural assimilation, learned the cultural manifestations, languages, lifestyle, and type of music, integrating some aspects of the African culture of their ancestors, producing what some call cultural miscegenation. . Blacks in the south assimilated and incorporated into black culture the most negative aspects of the white subculture in the south, which was part of the descendants of poor and illiterate British migrants.
To understand how the culture of whites in the southern part of the United States influences the black culture of African Americans, we must analyze Thomas Sowell‘s conclusions about Old Southern Culture, to understand the relationship in historical terms between the culture of white slave owners in the plantations, poor white illiterate British migrants in southern towns, and the influence of African Americans on black culture.
How was the culture of southern whites absorbed and integrated as part of black culture?
According to Thomas Sowell’s Old Southern Culture, poor whites from the south moved into northern cities to work in war plants during the Second World War. Occasionally, a white southerner would find that a flat or furnished room had just been rented when the landlord heard his southern accent. More is involved here than a mere parallel between blacks and southern whites.
What is involved is a common subculture that goes back centuries and has encompassed everything from ways of talking to attitudes toward education, violence, and sex, which originated not in the south but in those parts of the British Isles from which white southerners came. Culture long ago died out where it originated in Britain while surviving in the American South, then largely died out among both white and black southerners while still surviving today in the poorest and worst of the urban black ghettos.
According to Thomas Sowell’s Old Southern Culture, Southern plantation owners with poor whites living on adjoining land would often offer to buy their land for more than it was worth in order to be rid of such neighbors, the cultural values and social patterns prevalent among southern whites included an aversion to work proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity improvements, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, lively music and dance and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions and flamboyant imagery.
This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists, touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization. Thomas Sowell on Old Southern Culture. Some people consider that blacks dwell so much on grievances that they see it as an excuse for mismanagement and a lack of ambition, but above all, in the lack of desire to take responsibility for their own sins and perpetuate misery.
Nobody doubts that African Americans have used music as a vehicle for communicating beliefs, aspirations, observations, joys, despair, resistance, and more across U.S. history. The African roots of the blues have long been debated by artists and music critics alike. We can also talk about folk music, Jazz, Rhythm and Blues and Rock and Roll, but one of the genres that has the greatest influence right now is rap and hip-hop. Type of music, which is an important part of black culture as a mechanism of social protest and personal experience, but also to promote the most negative aspects of black life in the most impoverished neighborhoods.
How does hip hop negatively affect young black men?
The enormous influence that black culture, especially hip-hop and rap music, has on behavior, self-worth, chances of success, feelings of victimization, poor language, street dress code, delinquent behavior, disorderly behavior, lack of respect for elders, mind set, and sense of not belonging, something that no one dares to speak for fear of listening to black liberal leaders, but also some whites who use victimization as a mechanism to achieve racial equality in America.
Some Black activists continue to use the pain that African Americans have for slavery as the sole reason for Blacks’ lack of initiative, while ignoring the lack of self-determination that many Blacks have in taking charge of their future.
Every culture is defined by the element that most contributes to the progress of the population group, unfortunately for blacks, the different manifestations of musical genres and entertainment, which have become the center of attention of young blacks.
Product of the negative message of the culture of hip-hop or rap music, many young boys or girls put in the background the culture of learning, through education, technological advancement and economic knowledge, which is the reason why A lot of blacks are getting left behind right now. Many thinkers see a kind of political engagement, even a revolutionary potential, in rap and hip-hop as a mechanism of social protest used by those who defend black culture at all costs.
They couldn’t be more wrong. As long as music and entertainment are the focus of attention or the main contribution of black culture, economic progress or a better standard of living will never be part of black people’s lives in the United States. By reinforcing the stereotypes that have long hindered blacks, and by teaching young blacks that a thuggish adversarial stance is the proper “authentic” response to a presumptively racist society, rap will keep retarding black success. We analyze the positive or negative contribution of rap to understand why the message of this genre of music is stopping the progress of young black people.
The hip-hop ethos can trace its genealogy to the emergence in that decadence of a black ideology that equated black strength and authentic black identity with a militantly adversarial stance toward American society. In the angry new mood captured by Malcolm X’s raised fist, many blacks began to view black crime and violence is a perfectly natural, even appropriate, response to the supposed dehumanization and poverty inflicted by a racist society.
How does the lyrics of hip hop, rap and ghetto culture negatively affect black youth?
Rap took a dark turn in the early 1980s, as this “bubble gum” music gave way to a “gangsta” style that picked up where black exploitation left off. Now top rappers began to write edgy lyrics celebrating street warfare, drugs, and promiscuity. Rap music, considered part of black culture, is also considered a voice of ghetto culture. Anyone who dares to point out the negative effects of black culture is often classified as racist or anti-black.
Many fans, rappers, producers, and intellectuals defend hip-hop’s violence, both real and imagined, and its misogyny as a revolutionary cry of frustration from disempowered youth. The idea that rap is an authentic cry against oppression is all the sillier when you recall that black Americans had lots more to be frustrated about in the past but never produced or enjoyed music.
The attitude and style expressed in the hip-hop “identity” keep blacks down. Today, even as television and films depict blacks at all levels of success, hip-hop sends the message that blacks are uncivilized. On a deeper level, there is something truly unsettling and tragic about the fact that blacks have become the main agents in disseminating debilitating, or, I say, racist, images of themselves.
According to John H. McWhorter in his work on him, How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks Back. Unfortunately, young black men look up to rappers as role models and follow the message they promote. The reality is that within black culture, the messages of teachers, parents and professionals of success, their message is being overshadowed by the lyrics of hip hop singers and rap music. Bad message of street protests, gangster behavior, criminality, delinquency, and social media in rap music are not only holding black boys and young men back but also the entire black community.
While black culture was seen as part of the ghetto culture of the black slums. Everything was fine, the problem started when this ghetto culture passed part of the main media, due to the enormous popularity of hip-hop and rap music, which increased the negative stereotypes associated with black people. While the southern white subculture associated with ghetto culture associated with poor whites was transformed in the south, used in some rural areas.
On the contrary, the ghetto culture among blacks grew, creating a black subculture, which, from my point of view, is stopping blacks who promote the most negative part of black culture, which is established in the urban area, mostly in the big cities. Such as New York City, Chicago, Detroit and Houston, the black population, which is characterized by high levels of poverty, crime, unemployment and segregation based on skin color, because many blacks are still under the influence of ghetto culture inherited from the culture of southern whites.
Is black culture the only reason for the low economic advancement, low standard of living, and racial inequality that blacks show compared to other ethnic groups in America? No one doubts that institutional racism, social exclusion and racial prejudice have a lot to do with it, but although they are acceptable reasons, from my point of view, they are not the most decisive.
This is where we must accept that black culture bears great responsibility for the situation that African-Americans are experiencing. It has always been said that if you want to change the situation of a nation, you must change the culture of that nation in an area that is stopping this progress, incorporating new cultural behaviors that drive it, which can only be achieved through education.